I am specialised in Satellite Oceanography. I have worked in various scientific and teaching positions in reputed Institutions for the past fifteen years. Universities worked abroad are King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia, under the UNCC program and Arba Minch University in Ethiopia through UNDP. I did M.Sc. in Oceanography from Cochin University of Science and Technology. My Ph.D. is in Ocean colour remote sensing related to biological and physical Oceanography from Mangalore University. I have Co-authored and published four books. Among the books, an international book published by Springer on “Geospatial Technologies and Climate Change” has got wide circulation among students and academicians worldwide. Also published 18 Scientific papers in journals and proceedings. I have participated in several cruises onboard research vessels in the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Gulf region. I have reviewed articles published in many journals in the areas of Marine Science and Ocean Remote sensing.
Phone | 0484 2863207, 8943879224
Email | dr.santoshkannur@gmail.com
Sept. 2015 – June 2016 | - | -
2010 – till date