Reaserch Scholar

Department Of Physical Oceanography, Cochin University Of Science And Technology  - Anoop K. A.
Anoop K. A.
Reg. No. 6005



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PhD Details

Joining Date | 31.12.2018

Supervising guide | Dr. P. K. Saji

Field of study | Oceanography

Title | Mesoscale process and Eddies in the ocean



Mesoscale process and eddies in the Indian Ocean

Mesoscale eddies are found everywhere in ocean. They were known as the weather of the ocean due to their short-term variability. There are two types of mesoscale eddies in the ocean, Anticyclonic Eddy and Cyclonic eddy; characterized by high and low sea surface elevation patterns compared with the surroundings, respectively. Mesoscale eddies play an important role in ocean dynamics and thermodynamics. They were associated with high kinetic energy and hence they transport momentum and trace water properties such as heat, water mass and chlorophyll. The horizontal distribution of mesoscale eddies have a typical length scale of 100 to 200 km and have a life span of 10 to 100 days. Identification and tracking of mesoscale eddies are done by using satellite and hydrographic data sets.

Eddy processes and eddy fluxes have potential consequences for the oceanic general circulation. Study of mesoscale eddies gives a deep idea about the regional dynamics of the ocean, which includes the process of detection and tracking of mesoscale eddies (statistical analysis of satellite data sets), Kinetic Energy distribution, vertical structures, heat and salinity transportation using satellite data sets and buoy /Argo floats data sets respectively. Primary detection process is done by using different software like python and pyferret. Next process includes the comparison between mesoscale eddies on consecutive days, which gives the track and variability of mesoscale eddies. Kinetic energy can be calculated from geostrophic current velocities which are obtained from satellite data sets. Statistical analysis of kinetic energy explained the seasonal variation of kinetic energy variations of mesoscale eddies. Heat transport and salinity transport also can be calculate from Argo float data sets which will shows the exact nature of physical properties inside the mesoscale eddies and its variations during its short life time